Welcome To Bakti Mulya 400
Our educational purpose is to form insan Pancasila who are physically and spiritually healthy, devoted to God Almighty, intelligent and skilled, have noble character, strong personality and national spirit, as well as love their homeland; thus, grow people who are able to build themselves and are jointly responsible for the development of the nation.
Education Service Units
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Semarak Ramadan Sekolah BM 400 Cibubur diisi Health Talk dan Lomba Story Telling
Jakarta – Dalam rangka menyemarakkan bulan suci Ramadan serta memberikan edukasi bagi orang…
Sekolah BM400 Cibubur Menerima Siswa Pindahan dari Dalam dan Luar Negeri
Jakarta. Sekolah Bakti Mulya (BM) 400 Cibubur sedang menerima siswa baru untuk tahun…
Jakarta–Dalam upaya menginspirasi generasi muda untuk berkontribusi dalam membangun masa depan yang berkelanjutan,…
Our Testimonials & Alumni Profiles

Muhammad Ihsan Widyantoro
Alumni of BM 400Widy is a graduate of BM 400 Lower Secondary School (Cambridge Programme in 2011 – 2014) & Secondary School (SKS Programme in 2014 – 2016) and a recipient of LPDP Scholarship. He earned his bachelor's degree from the University of Indonesia and is currently enrolled as an MSc student in Sustainable Energy Systems at The University of Edinburgh.

Latisha Rayya Arifti
Class 7During Distance Learning (Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh), I feel very comfortable because the materials explained by the teachers are very easy to understand. Also, the teachers were very supportive and always ready to help if I had any difficulties

Akila Ramadhani
Class 7Students are active, often express positive opinions, and are always punctual in submiting assignments. The teachers also provide support in each learning material.

Nadia Dewi Hertiadhi
Class 7Very enjoyable. The teachers clearly explain the learning material and often provide good assistance to their students.

Varisha Ramadhina Muhaimin
Class 7The learning schedule (during pandemic) is excellent, just like offline schools in general. I do creative learning, such as growing plants at home in biology class, or creating macrame crafts. Overall, I think this year’s learning was very different but the teachers managed to make learning fun and effective.

Elora Khiar Nareswari
Class 7Even though it’s virtual, I feel that the teachers are still concerned about their students. I don't feel like I'm losing out on anything and I enjoy the learning. My batch also received iPads to support the learning process, which makes learning way more enjoyable. One device brings it all together.

Anies Baswedan – Gubernur Prov DKI Jakarta
The Governor of DKI Jakarta Province"... keep going to be a fun educational ecosystem that is challenging but exhilarating. There are challenges and happiness that makes children always want to come to school and learn together with their teachers. If Allah wills it, it would be a place for the growth of all potential of our children.. and eventually, exceed their goals"