History of Bakti Mulya 400
Bakti Mulya 400 School was established on September 30, 1983. Its establishment was marked
by the signing of a cooperation agreement in the field of education between two foundations
that have the same goal of developing the quality of education in Indonesia. The two
foundations are Yayasan Keluarga 400 dan Yayasan Pondok Mulya.
Yayasan Keluarga 400 is an organization that brings together ex Tentara Pelajar Batalyon 400
Brigade 17. Meanwhile, Yayasan Pondok Mulya is the foundation that manages Pondok Indah
Real Estate.

In order to realize this goal, Badan Kerja Sama Pendidikan Pondok Mulya Ikatan Keluarga 400
abbreviated as BKSP Pondok Mulya – Ikatan Keluarga 400 was formed. In a general agreement
this foundation supports government policies in the field of education to provide educational
facilities that accommodate school-age children.
At the time of school accreditation carried out by the Ministry of Education and Culture, a more
practical name was agreed upon, namely Badan Kerja Sama Pendidikan Bakti Mulya 400,
abbreviated as BKSP Bakti Mulya 400.

BKSP Bakti Mulya 400 adheres to the motto: ” Berbakti Pada Nusa dan Bangsa Seumur Hidup”.
This motto is based on idealism and capitalized on patriotism by believing that education is a
“human investment” that has a far reach into the future.
The educational purpose is to form insan Pancasila who are physically and spiritually healthy,
devoted to God Almighty, intelligent and skilled, have noble character, strong personality and
national spirit, as well as love their homeland; thus, grow people who are able to build
themselves and are jointly responsible for the development of the nation.
Bakti Mulya 400 makes schools a center for educational development that gives birth to a cadre
of Muslim intellectuals and leaders with broad insight, as well as responsiveness to the
environment and ready to welcome the globalization era; thus, improve the quality of the
Indonesian nation.

To realize this vision, the school organizes general education with an Islamic spirit that develops
all students potentials to produce competent and superior graduates.
YBKSP Bakti Mulya 400 organizes education for all levels of education. Starting in 1985, KB/TK
Bakti Mulya 400 and SMP Bakti Mulya 400 was established followed by the establishment of SD
Bakti Mulya 400 in 1986. Then, in 1999, SMA Bakti Mulya 400 was established.


What They Say About Sekolah Bakti Mulya 400

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