Bakti Mulya 400 school applies three curricula: Islamic, National and International

Islamic Curriculum

Islam is the basis for the development of education at Bakti Mulya 400 which practiced daily
by all school members.

The purpose of religious education is to instill Islamic faith and piety. Thus graduates who
have a harmonious relationship with Allah SWT (habluminallah) will be formed. In addition,
religious education also aims to form noble character for all students to form graduates who
have a harmonious relationship with fellow human beings (habluminannas).

The education is carried out by example, habituation and teaching. Exemplary and
habituation starts from the culture of sapa, salam, senyum, sopan dan santun in the school
environment. The formation of noble character is also carried out to familiarize the
sentences of toyyibah, tawakkal, gratitude, patience, fastabikul khoirat, amar ma’ruf nahi
munkar, birrul walidaini and dhikrullah.

Religious education by means of teaching is carried out to develop religious content and
religious activities. Religious content is developed to added value above national standards.
Thus there is a content of Islamic Religious Education, the Qur’an and Fiqh. Meanwhile,
religious activities are carried out through various co-curricular and extra-curricular

National Curriculum

Bakti Mulya 400 school implements all national education standards. The national
curriculum is applied within the framework of developing the potential of students
holistically. Students are guided to understand their full potential. Thus they will have a
balance between personal, intrapersonal, intellectual, emotional and spiritual intelligence.

Students’ curiosity are also nurtured in order to form independent learning. Students are
guided to acquire learning skills to learn something (learning to learn). Thus, it is hoped that
students who have the awareness to become lifelong learners will be created.
To achieve this, Bakti Mulya 400 School differentiates, adopts and adapts the curriculum.

Curriculum differentiation is implemented to provide learning services to students who have
different characteristics. While the adoption and adaptation of the curriculum is carried out
to provide added value content according to the needs of students.

International Curriculum

Bakti Mulya 400 School is aware of the 21st century education demands. Therefore, the
school prepares students who have competencies that are aligned with the demands of the
global world. Competencies developed in schools aim to create graduates profile who are
creative, innovative, communicative, collaborative and have a global perspective.

In this regard, students competency is developed in order to enable students to have foreign
language literacy and information technology. Mastery of international languages becomes a
mandatory competency that shall be possessed by students from pre-school to high school
levels. Likewise, information technology has become an important language for
communication in digital age and therefore, all students needs to master it.
In achieving international standards, Bakti Mulya 400 school collaborates with Cambridge
Assessment International Education. The elementary level applies the elementary
checkpoint final exam. For junior high school level, the IGCSE final exam is applied and for
the high school level, the AS Level final exam is applied.

Furthermore, the school also provides hands-on experience in collaborating and
participating in international forums. This is done by involving students in cross-country
competitions, cultural missions and affiliation of international organization activities for
mutual understanding as global citizens.

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