SD Bakti Mulya 400 2 offers quality education to develop educational potential in line with the stages of child development. The purpose of education implemented is to deliver an excellent education that is capable of generating successful human beings according in the command of Allah SWT, have an insightful nationality and global competence In accordance with the paradigm of 21st century education. SD Bakti Mulya 400 -2 implements mixed curriculum that integrate and adopt the Islamic, national and intenational curriculum to provide the experience of dynamic leaming actiilles to Bring students to become long life learners.

- Islamic and Qur’anic Program
- Excellent Academic Program
Student Development
Patriotism & Nationalism Program
- Global Competency Program
- Foundation Program
- Quranic (Tahsin)
- Science
- Mathematic
- Social Studies
- English as Foreign Languange
- Bahasa Indonesia
- Physical Education
- Art (Music /Visual Art)
- Student Development moniroring
- Authentic assessment
- Performance and exhibition
- Student Lead Conference (SLC)
- Parent, student, and teach conference
- English Proficiency Test
1. Holistically Educational Implementation
Focusing on developing personal and social character to help students grow academically, socially, culturally, physically, emotionally and spiritually in a positive atmosphere for instilling Islamic values.
2. Thematic Approach
Students are actively involved in learning with an inquiry approach to develop their sense of exploring, researching and investigating. Learning experience is expanded not only in the classroom but also outside the classroom and regular visits to scientific objects according to the theme learned. Learning activities can also be reflected from the results of learning through the students’ working performance and exhibition.
3. Global Competency
Learning activities are designed to develop students to gain global mind-set, by setting up their knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes, and concrete actions .Students learn culture and ideas from different point of view, which help them to develop themselves as long life learners and the citizens of the world who believe that all the nations are equal above all to create the mutual understanding among the differences that lead to peaceful life