Virtual Career Day 1

Virtual Career Day 2021 is a collaborative event between SMA Bakti Mulya 400 and SMAN 87 Jakarta under the theme “Plan your career, achieve your future.”

The 1st day of the Virtual Career Day 2021 starts with Seminar Motivasi Karir delivered by Shabrina Fitriandari M.Psi, Psikolog, a psychologist, assessor, & talent acquisition also an alumni of Bakti Mulya Junior High School & Senior High School. She explained her experience study when choosing psychology as her major and also gave advice and input to students on how to choose the right major and career through Question & Answer (Q & A) session.

Furthermore, the event continued with material presentation under the theme of Mengenal Prospek Karir Bidang Culinary delivered by Prima Perdana Adhitya. B.Eng (Hons). M.Ed. He is a culinary consultant of Adhitya Kitchen Private Tutor & Cooking Demo. Through presentation and Q & A session, he delivered information to students and other participants regarding his study and experience in building his business.


Lastly, the 1st day of the Virtual Career Day 2021 is closed with Parade Kampus, Talk Show with Alumni, and Seminar Sekolah Lanjutan delivered by several alumni and university representatives from both national and international universities such as Bandung Institute of Technology, University of Indonesia, University of Brawijaya, Padjadjaran University, Tokyo International University, Uniprep – UIC College, Shorelight – Study in USA, and many more.

We hope this Virtual Career Day could engage students with their potential career paths and opportunities in the future.

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