Virtual Career Day 2

The second day of Virtual Career Day 2021 was held on November 3rd, 2021 and was attended by students and teachers from SMA Bakti Mulya 400, SMAN 87 Jakarta as well as another school such as SMA Suluh. This event is divided into three sessions: Talk Show with Alumni, Seminar Sekolah Lanjutan, dan Parade Kampus.

The first session was filled by Ardhia Pramesti Regita Larasati, S.Sos., B. Commun, Ecommerce Planning Executive at Wavemaker, Group M Indonesia and Cindy Claudia German, S.Sos, Staff for Information, Social and Culture – Consulate General of The Republic of Indonesia San Francisco. Both of the speakers are alumni from Bakti Mulya 400.

The first session started with a presentation from Ms. Ardhia, who shared her experiences during college while taking a double degree at University of Indonesia and University of Queensland, Australia. She also gives tips and advice for students in choosing a major that will suit their passion through planning and a supportive support system.

Read also : Virtual Career Day 1

Then, this session is continued by the presentation from Ms. Cindy who is currently working for three years in San Francisco, United States of America. She explained to students and other participants about her challenges in pursuing her career and how she breaks down her shortcomings (hard skills & soft skills) as well as determed solutions to response these challenges. At the end of the first session, the speakers gave final statments, advice and tips on career preparation for students.

Furthermore, the second session: Seminar Sekolah Lanjutan delivered by Mrs. Rini Febriani, M.Si as a public relations officer from University of Indonesia. Followed by Mrs. Safa Annisa, S.I.Kom and Mrs. Lilis Lisnawati, S.IP., M.Si as public relations officers from Padjadjaran University. The speakers explained to the students about their university profiles, educational programs, registration paths, tuition fees, and many more.

Finally, the third session begins with Parade Kampus presented by alumni of Bakti Mulya 400 and university representatives from several national and international universities such as University of Brawijaya, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Udayana University, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Macquarie University – ICAN Education, Help University Malaysia, and many more.

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